Surgical Training

Surgical Videos

GYN ONC SURGICAL VIDEOS - Labeled, high-quality videos of common Onc cases, but helpful for basic anatomy, too!

SGS SURGICAL VIDEOS - All types of procedures, sadly not great organization / search features. Username: / Password: UWOBGYNdabest#1

AAGL Surgery U - High fidelity anatomy, minimally invasive surgical explanations and procedural tutorials. Highly effective, requires yearly membership - could be utilized with book funding.


MyTIPreport is a procedural tracking app designed to facilitate trainee and faculty feedback. Residents are expected to submit 2 myTIPreports per week when on surgical services and review feedback with faculty regularly.

Download from the app store here.

Robotic Training

All residents will participate in Da Vinci Robotic Surgery Training during their residency. There are two options:

Basic training

  1. Completion of the Da Vinci online robotic training course by the end of PGY1 - Website here, instructions here

  2. In-person attendance of Robotic Orientation put on by Dr. Wallace and/or Dr. Karnowski

  3. Bedside assistance of 5 robotic cases - Case log form here

Advanced training

  1. Completion of the above basic training

  2. Completion of Da Vinci simulation exercises on the console by the end of PGY2 - Required tasks to complete here

      • How to Access the Robotic Simulator -- video here

      • Resident Access to the Robotic Simulator -- document here

  3. Completion of 15 robotic cases as the console surgeon - Case log form here

  4. Formal review of at least 5 of the 15 cases by the attending, suggested as a PGY4 but also can be completed as a PGY3

      • Email Ariel Sorenson prior to / immediately after a case in order to get the evaluation released to the attending via MedHub.

      • Evaluations should be deemed "adequate" by the attending surgeon and should ideally show improvement over time

5. Declaration of intention to complete Proficiency/Certification pathway - Declaration form here

Click here for complete information, instructions, and all forms for the Robotic Pathway.

Expectations of residents:

    • Online modules to be completed by end of PGY1

    • Simulation modules to be completed by end of PGY2 (for those completing advanced training pathway)

        • During the Meriter Gynecology PGY2 rotation, the PGY2 will be responsible for looking ahead at robotic availability during business hours and sit at the robot at least once in order to work towards completing console modules during their rotation

Robot practice sessions:

If you want to schedule a robot practice session at Meriter with one of the Intuitive reps, contact Dayna Leroy ( or Zach Monroe (

Access to the Simulation Lab

The OBGYN Simulation Lab is located on 5 East at Meriter Hospital.

OB simulation pelvic models and laparoscopic as well as hysteroscopic and laparotomy materials are available in the simulation lab.

Code for Simulation Lab Locker Key: 2010

Please return key and clean up once you're finished!

Laparoscopy Simulation Curriculum

While rotating on the Meriter Gynecology service, junior residents will be expected to participate in and senior residents are expected to lead weekly simulation sessions covering principles of basic and advanced gynecologic laparoscopy.

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays under the direction of the Gyn Chief.

Below you will find pre reading material, videos and facilitator guides for the Laparoscopy curriculum. Each PGY4 should complete the laparoscopy simulation curriculum once with their teams over the course of their entire chief rotation.

Principles of Laparoscopy

Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery

Advanced Skills in Gynecologic Laparoscopy

Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) Exam

The FLS Program is web-based education that uses online didactics and skills modules to teach residents the basics of laparoscopic surgery. Completion of The FLS Program is now a graduate requirement of ACGME-accredited OB/GYN residency training programs.

The FLS Program consists of:

  • FLS didactic curriculum (five web-based modules)

  • Hands-on manual skills tasks using the FLS Trainer Box (practice in our OB/GYN Simulation Lab on 5-East at Meriter Hospital)

  • Two-part (skills and written) FLS exam to measure your cognitive and technical skills.

During PGY1: Create an account in order to access FLS didactics (here). Follow these steps:

  • Enter the Course Catalog at the top of the website

  • Select Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)

  • Enroll in the course via the Enroll (apple) icon

  • Proceed back to My Account

  • The new course should be listed under Learning Activities

During PGY3 to early PGY4: Schedule your exam. Administrative staff purchases the test vouchers, and once received, residents register for the FLS test. The exam is only offered in certain cities (none in Madison). You can view testing centers and register here (you must first create an account). The closest to Madison is in Evanston, IL.

Summary of the two-part test is as follows:

  • The written exam is 80 multiple-choice questions over 90 minutes. Here is a study guide!

  • The skills-portion includes 5 laparoscopic tasks. Explanations can be found here with a summary of time allotted below.

    • Peg transfer (maximum time 300 seconds, "expert level" 48 seconds)

    • Circle cutting (maximum time 300 seconds, "expert level" 98 seconds)

    • Ligating loop (maximum time 180 seconds, "expert level" 53 seconds)

    • Intracorporeal knot (maximum time 600, "expert level" 112 seconds)

    • Extracorporeal knot (maximum time 420, "expert level" 136 seconds)