Global Health

Global Health in OB/GYN

The Global Health Track is comprised of one resident from each class who demonstrates passion for global health and drive to incorporate global health curriculum into their residency experience. Click here for more information about the Global Health Track, the application process, and resident perspectives.

Links for Global Health Track Residents

Global Health Track Information

The Global Health Track Google Drive includes journal club articles, rotation information, etc.

Global Health Research Project

Residents in the Global Health Track must complete an additional research project related to Global Health. Exceptions include residents whose Resident Research Project or QI Research Project also qualifies as global health research.

Global Health Events

Following every global health event, please fill out the below event evaluation to help improve future global health events.


Other Global Health Opportunities (open to all residents)

A two-year postgraduate fellowship that looks at critical women's health issues and sustainable health solutions in low and middle income countries. Applications due in November for upcoming year.

A two-year postgraduate fellowship that looks at critical women's health issues and sustainable health solutions in low and middle income countries. Applications due in November for upcoming year.