
Thursday University

Pre-reading material as well as post-session materials like powerpoint presentations.

**Submit weekly feedback here.**

Pre-reading material and powerpoint presentations for our simulation didactics.

Documents for administration.

Service-Specific Didactics

Meriter Gyn Didactics

Monday - Teaching by PGY1 with faculty

Tuesday - Teaching by PGY2 with faculty

Wednesday - Teaching by PGY4 without faculty

Thursday - N/A

Friday - Simulations/FLS training led by PGY4

Schedule for teaching found here. This schedule is created by Gyn administration with attending input.

Meriter OB Didactics

Monday - Teaching by PGY2/Antepartum

Tuesday - Teaching by PGY4

Wednesday - Teaching by PGY1

Thursday - N/A

Friday - Strip Rounds