What is CREOG?
CREOG stands for the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology. What we commonly call "CREOGs" is our in-service annual exam. How you perform on CREOGs helps predict how you will perform on your OB/GYN boards once you graduate.
CREOGs take place in January of each year. The exam is about 4.5 hours and has about 250-300 questions.
Below are resources to help prepare you for CREOGs!
Practice Questions
PROLOG - Practice test questions and in-depth answers for all areas and sub-specialties within OB/GYN.
Physical copies of all Prolog books can be found in the Meriter Gynecology, Meriter 4North, UW Gyn Onc work rooms, and Saint Mary's Call Rooms.
Truelearn - Online question bank with practice test questions, subscription provided by the department. Don't forget to download the app on your phone!
COUNTDOWN TO CREOGS - Compiled by our Education Committee, including the weekly "Countdown to CREOGS" documents.
PEARLS OF EXXCELLENCE - Link to SASGOG's Pearls of Exxcellence, which are documents / articles about common conditions and their management.
CREOGS OVER COFFEE - Short (10-30 minute) podcasts on clinically important topics, created and presented by two OB/GYN residents at Brown.
UCSF CREOG LECTURES - National lectures created to supplement education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
EDUCATION FOR ALL LECTURES - A compilation of many lectures created to supplement education during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will find some of the same lectures as posted by UCSF in addition to many more.